Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Tuesday 1/2/07

All you atheists out there better take cover!! Agnostics-stop what you are doing and listen up and pay attention, because something big is happening! Since the beginning of this ordeal, prayer has been a major player here. I am certain that many dozens of people are praying hundreds of prayers for Steven-prayers of pleading, reasoning, demanding. I've always felt, as I pray my reasoning prayer, that the Lord would bring Steve back all the way because he has developed, in a couple of years, an intense, mature faith and a strong desire to do God's work here, and so it would be in His best interest to heal Steve. Much of what makes Steve the person he is has not returned fully yet at this early stage in the recovery, but his spiritual self has always shown itself to be-dare I say it?-intact. When he was unresponsive, he squeezed the hand of those praying at the appropriate moments. When he couldn't talk, he still said "Amen" at the end of prayer. When his speaking was coming around, much of it was random and non-sensical, but he prays intelligently and coherently, in complete sentences. Yesterday, though, he said something that tops everything else. After Georgina prayed with him, he got still for a while, then said "God gave me this so I could be a minister to broken people."


Kathy Justice said...

Hi Schmits family, This is Kathy Justice from Madeira and Christ Hospital. I just learned of this blog and wanted to let you know how many people who may not write are thinking of you and your journey. We are all thinking of Steve and his rehab, thankful that he has come this far! Please remember your rehab resources here at TCH. Between us we have 66 years of experience in neurological rehab just here in the Speech department! More in PT and OT! Our expertise is more in minor brain injury and non-traumatic neuro disorders, but we have a wealth of resources and opinions. Please do not hesitate to call at 585-2089 with any questions or requests for help. We will now keep up to date with this blog. Thank you Beth- Chris and Lauren say hello and hang in there.

Chris Ehlers said...

Praise God. Steve's situation has also created a network of individual prayers that as a body are praying and discussing their prayers. Where two or more are gathered, their will I be also. Thank you Jesus for this situation exactly as it is, because we know that you will use it to do great things. Thank you Tom, Georgina, and Beth for allowing us to be involved with you in this journey.


David Palmer said...

Praise the Lord who alone does matchless things. His power is indeed made perfect in our weakness. Spurgeon said that our first link to Christ in not in our standing but our falling. We pray that He continues to bring a complete healing to Steve. May the Lord uphold all of you. Know that we hold you all up daily from Kenwood Baptist Church with all our love.

Anonymous said...

as a recovering catholic who has just found my way back to prayer since this ordeal, i thought all along that there would be more than just steve being healed here. i even thought that maybe his recent experience of a stronger faith was preparing him for this. i have faith that all will be well and pray for god's blessing for steve and all our family. there are good things in store for steve.

Tony said...

Beth, I just found out about Steve. I work at Intel and he helped make a Project I was working on go very well. I am so sorry to here about his accident.
I have not read all of the blog yet but I would have hated myself if I did not comment to this post. I believe deep in my heart that Steve will make a full recovery. In doing so God will touch so many along the way. I pray to God that Steve will make a full and complete recovery.