Wednesday, December 20, 2006


this is tom, not beth. as you can see, i no longer slavishly conform to rules of capitalization and other such trivial matters-that is why beth insisted that i identify myself. on mon. steve went up two steps, on tues. he climbed 2 flights of steps. today he walked the hall accompanied, but unassisted, washed himself in the shower, and spoke, saying "good morning" in response to the physical therapist. the tracheotomy tube is now out and the coughing has subsequently ceased. thats a lot of progress for 48 hours. unfortunately i wasnt able to hear my son say his first words this time around, as beth and i have been unable to get out due to a blizzard,colorado style-4 ft drifts, 60 mph wind for the last 12 hrs and will continue all night. i was out in it for 2 minutes and had to lean forward like one of those weather guys reporting on a hurricane to keep from being blown over and could not get a breath-this is real weather here. thank you everybody for everything-prayers, $, favors, wonderful food prepared and delivered to our door(PIERCED people are the real thing). beth, georgina and i are struggling under a big load, but we would have been crushed by it were it not for the support of YOU.


Mark Schmits said...

Thanks for the update, Tom; our spirits are lifted with every new report of Steve's progress. I'm so sorry you couldn't be there to hear Steve's words today. I saw reports of the storm on the news and assumed you were having difficulty. Hopefully they'll get things cleared up enough for you to get there and talk with Steve tomorrow. I'll keep peaying for Steve and all of you as well, and look forward to another great update tomorrow. Keep me in mind if you need me to help back here in Cincy.
Love, Mark

Anonymous said...

THANK GOD!!! Sooo happy to hear this news! But at first i couldn't understand why this meant you were no longer a capitalist...Ha Ha!
Love, mari

Unknown said...

great news! keep up the progress, steve. and tom & beth, keep out of the cold (and capital markets)!

rbrock said...

Hi Tom, George, and Beth, Val just called me with this site today. I've asked mom and dad several times if there was a place on the computer where we could contact you so I was so glad to get this. We've been keeping all of your in our prayers. The progress I've read about the last few days is wonderful and definitely is an answer to prayer. I'm the adult sponsor of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at our high school and they've all been praying too. Please know that we continue to pray not only for Steve but all of you. Love, Rita

Val said...

Hi Tom, Georgina & Beth,
I spoke to Judy the other day and she gave me this blog site. We were getting some updates from Mom and Dad. We have had Steve and you all in our prayers. It's wonderful to read the progress reports and see prayers being answered. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you during this most difficult time.Love Val

Alexia said...

We are thanking God for this good news!
Take care of yourselves out there in the arctic... it's in the mid 50's here in Cincinnati. Weird.