Sunday, February 4, 2007

Sunday 2/4/07

Blogsters-sorry for the dearth of blogs. There hasn't been too much dramatic or semi-dramatic going on, just the usual improvement. Watching this recovery process can be quite perplexing at times. Think of the total of our cognitive skills as columns.
When we are children, they rise evenly and together.
A brain-injured person's columns rise unevenly, some very unevenly, leading to some quaint utterances. But those are coming fewer and farther between every day. We are still fighting "The Man" and his allies, all those incompetant or lazy or apathetic people we are forced to rely on to get through this labrynth. I never realized how many there are!! Sprinkled among all the dopes, though, are a few individuals that have gone so far beyond what we expected that I have actually been dumbstruck a few times. When Steve finished his fall and landed in the road, he was found by two bicyclists who were visiting their parents. They had to catch a plane early next a.m., so we never got to meet them, but their parents came that evening. They were twice removed from the situation, didn't even know Steve's name, yet still came, and they came back a week later.